In a recent Cointelegraph interview, Alessio Treglia, Jur’s CTO, and Vikram Bharati, founder of Draper Startup House, discuss the exciting concept of “Network States” and how they are poised to redefine traditional notions of governance and societal structures.

Draper Nation, a Bitcoin-native digital nation founded by legendary Silicon Valley investor Tim Draper and powered by the Jur Network, introduces a unique model for governance and service delivery. Citizens of Draper Nation hold direct ownership and wield substantial influence within the network, enabling them to actively participate in decision-making processes and public activities.

Below’s an excerpt from the interview:

CT: The Jur Network is integral to Draper Nation’s functionality. Could you delve into how it underpins the operations and governance of these emerging Network States?
Alessio Treglia: The Jur Network is a decentralized technical infrastructure designed to facilitate on-chain decision-making processes and activities involving the general public in the day-to-day operations of digital communities. Our primary goal is to encourage more people to join these communities and engage directly in public discourse and action. In perspective, while a Facebook user interacts primarily as a consumer within the Facebook network, a Jur Network user has direct ownership and influence over the network. Draper Nation serves as our first real-world, large-scale user community — a critical proving ground where Jur Engineering turns abstract network concepts into practical, real-world applications.

CT: Looking ahead, what major milestones can we expect from Draper Nation and the Jur Network in the upcoming year?

Vikram Bharati: The first year of Draper Nation will be experimental as we seek to understand who truly wants to be a part of this new nation and what the citizens’ aspirations are for its future. In essence, we want to co-create this nation with the help of its citizens. We will co-write the Manifesto and then the Constitution of Draper Nation through community-driven activities. We have already held two inaugural events and have more to come with the opening of a new embassy in Hyderabad. Netizens will have access to benefits of various kinds: free accommodations for events, scholarships, and more.

For a deeper dive into the interview and to learn more about how Network States and the Jur Network are shaping the future of governance, read the full article on Cointelegraph here.