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Update on Jur’s Decentralisation Plan
Update on Jur’s Decentralisation Plan

07 Feb 2024

Update on Jur’s Decentralisation Plan

Last Updated On:  07-02-2024     Dear Jur community members,  As announced on 21st December 2023, Jur is embarking on a journey of decentralisation, empowering the community to drive the project forward collectively. We endeavour to continuously update the community with the latest developments to ensure transparency and accountability to the Jur community. On January 31st, 2024, the core team took a step back, relinquishing direct control over the project and entrusting its governance to the collective wisdom of the community.  The transition to community-led governance will be facilitated through OpenGov, a platform designed to empower stakeholders with decision-making authority, and will conclude with the removal of the sudo key and the establishment of the Jur Treasury under decentralised governance, enabling the community to move the project forward.  Understanding OpenGov and Polkassembly OpenGov, or Open Governance, is a decentralised platform envisioned by the Dotsama community, designed to foster transparent and inclusive decision-making within the community, empowering token holders to actively engage in governance processes and propose changes to the network. OpenGov is decentralised and permissionless, facilitating swift decision-making without the need for hard forks, and placing power firmly in the hands of the community. Similarly, Polkassembly is a dedicated platform for open discussions surrounding governance proposals within the Polkadot ecosystem, bridging on-chain decisions with off-chain discourse.  These platforms are integral to Jur's decentralisation journey, empowering the community to actively participate in shaping the project's future.  Please note that OpenGov and Polkassembly are still in development. Details will be provided on how to access these platforms once they are live. Exploring Jur Products NationX NationX is a Web3-native infrastructure built on the Jur Chain for the next generation of digital communities be it a Startup Society or a Network State. The dynamic and streamlined dApp gives founders full granular control over their Startup Society with a staggering number of options to create the perfect community that speaks to their vision. Learn more about the platform in this comprehensive Knowledge Base.  The Jur Beta Platform The Jur Beta Platform is an innovative blockchain-based Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) solution, offering a fresh approach to handling micro claims through smart contract-based game theory. The platform includes the Open Layer and the Jur Editor, designed to simplify the creation of smart legal contracts, and is now open for exploration and development by the wider community.  While the current codebase needs updates and active development, community members interested in contributing can apply to the treasury (currently work in progress)  to port the Open Layer to the new Jur Chain. With the support of the Jur Community, we aim to advance research and development efforts to improve ODRs for handling micro claims effectively. Access the Github repository for The Jur Beta Platform. The Jur Arbitration Platform Jur also continues our journey to revolutionise digital arbitration through the Jur Arbitration Platform, a tech-enabled digital solution for disputes ranging from $50k to $2.5M, delivering an end-to-end dispute resolution experience tailored for companies of different sizes, industries, and stages. Compliant with the UNCITRAL Model Law, the platform aims to enhance transparency across parties while ensuring neutrality. To learn more about the platform and for anyone interested in a partnership for its usage reach out at [email protected]. How to Contribute as a Community Member Jur community members will play a pivotal role in driving the project forward, particularly once OpenGov is enabled for Jur. In the meantime, community members are encouraged to explore the following avenues of contribution.   Engage with the Community  Join the Discord community to connect with other members to share your ideas and participate in ongoing discussions around decentralisation and how the community envisions driving the project forward. Show interest, share feedback, and make suggestions in the dedicated #road-to-decentralisation channel on Discord.  Create your Startup Society on NationX Whitelisting has been removed from NationX for founders and now requires a 100k $JUR minimum balance making it more inclusive and decentralised. You can create your on-chain community by accessing the NationX dApp here.  Run a Jur Node Contribute to the infrastructure supporting societies, communities, and Network States by running a Jur Node locally. Test new features before they go live and actively contribute to the evolution of Jur's network. Explore the code and set up your local node by accessing the  GitHub Repository.  Contribute to the Research and Development of the Jur Beta Platform The Jur Community is likely to fund the development of the Jur Beta Platform aiming to activate R&D efforts to push forward the creation of ODRs addressing micro claims. Community members interested in working on the development of the Jur Beta Platform and porting it to the new Jur Chain can do so by applying to the treasury which is currently being set up. In the meantime, you can explore the repository for the Jur Beta Platform, which involves Solidity-based smart contracts deployed on the VeChain Thor network, a Laravel API, and a React-based frontend.  Build Jur Products In order to contribute to the development of Jur’s products you need to have a GitHub account. In this section, you will find a few generic instructions to contribute proficiently. More specific details are contained in each repo’s README file. Discuss your contributionBefore making significant changes, discuss your proposal with the community for the target project (NationX, Jur Beta Platform, Jur Arbitration Platform). This can be done through Discord.  Clone the repositoryClone your forked repository to your local machine and use the README to setup the repository locally:git clone https://github.com/jurteam/{{target-repository}}.git Create a new branchCreate a new branch for your contribution:git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name Make changes & test themMake your desired changes to the codebase. Ensure that your changes follow the respective repository's coding guidelines. Test your changes thoroughly to make sure they work as expected. Commit your changes and raise a pull requestCommit your changes with a commit message. Raise a pull request and write a descriptive title & description of what this PR achieves.  Please find below the list of repos currently available publicly: https://github.com/jurteam/jur-node https://github.com/jurteam/platform The Jur Treasury To fund future initiatives of the Jur Network and its products, a community treasury will soon be available.  Stay tuned for an update with more details about the treasury and how to apply for it through OpenGov. Resource List Interested in learning more and getting involved? Here are some resources to get started: Founders, we've put together some guides to help you start your society: The Startup Society Founder’s Handbook NationX Knowledge Base Web3 enthusiasts interested in the Network State will enjoy this Wiki to bring awareness and clarity to the movement. Technical Resources Jur Network Telemetry Block Explorer: Explore transactions, blocks, and addresses on the Jur network with our block explorer. $JUR Token: Purchase the token on the MEXC Exchange.  Community Jur's Official YouTube Channel: Learn how to navigate Jur's ecosystem, products, and protocols plus access recordings of past community calls and education videos on the Network State. Join the Jur Community on Twitter and Discord: Collaborate, share ideas, and connect with the rest of the Jur community.  As Jur embraces decentralisation, it opens new avenues for collaboration, innovation, and collective decision-making. Follow along to equip yourself with the knowledge and resources to become an active contributor to Jur's decentralised ecosystem.

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Jur Status Update & Future Plans

26 Jun 2024

Jur Status Update & Future Plans

Dear Jur Community, Since we announced Jur’s decentralization roadmap in December 2023, a few months have passed. Here's a recap of the past few months and future plans: Current Status The Jur Arbitration Platform has been updated and can support further development. This platform can function as a foundation layer to handle different types of disputes and is suitable for various use cases (e.g. Web3 Treasuries expense management, small and medium claims end-to-end resolution). OpenGov has been integrated into the Jur Chain, enabling decentralized governance. The implementation is now ready for testing and go live. The NationX App, which lets users create Societies on Jur, is still in the Beta phase.  The Jur Chain is operational, with one validator managed by Jur itself in order to contain infrastructure costs. Challenges Jur had multiple discussions with stakeholders. Despite interest and support, no concrete plans have been finalized between January 2024 and the end of June 2024. During the first half of 2024, the $JUR token's liquidity decreased, leading to its delisting from MEXC. The initial plan to let the community decide the future of Jur via OpenGov became impractical and financially unsustainable, with annual costs of ~$20,000 for maintenance and necessary tools like Polkassembly and nodes management without which OpenGov is in practice not usable. A similar sustainability issue applies to maintaining the network infrastructure, including the currently running validator and RPC node which will be operative for another three months Solution For these reasons, a more straightforward and simple approach is advisable: Any $JUR holder can submit proposals on how to use Jur's developed technology. The entire tech stack will be available for reuse if the proposer agrees to airdrop a new token to $JUR token holders. This approach allows for new projects to emerge, distributing new tokens to $JUR holders through various airdrops. The Jur Network will be running for the next three months, if you are interested in joining the network with your own node (repo) reach out to [email protected] before the 31st July 2024 How It Works Submit proposals to use Jur’s tech stack with the condition of a token airdrop to $JUR holders. A 2-week email-based procedure will verify the legitimacy of the proposer. Reach an agreement, conduct the airdrop, and announce via official channels. The Jur core team officially dissolved in January 2024, though some members remained active until June 2024 to complete the decentralization plan.  While this is not the outcome we hoped for, we believe Jur could decentralize into a series of various new projects, benefiting $JUR holders with multiple tokens from different initiatives and it's in line with the Web3 ethos that has always inspired Jur's progress and actions. We will provide informal updates if new projects arise using Jur's existing technology. The email [email protected] will remain available indefinitely for this purpose. Please note due to lack of moderators we will be closing the Jur official Discord community by the end of July. Please follow Jur's official account on Twitter to stay updated. Thank you for your support. Useful Links NationX dApp The Startup Society Founder’s Handbook NationX Knowledge Base Network State Wiki Technical Resources Jur Node Jur Network Telemetry Block Explorer Jur Beta Platform

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Jur Arbitration Platform Upgraded and Ready for Partnership

13 Feb 2024

Jur Arbitration Platform Upgraded and Ready for Partnership

Jur is embarking on a journey of decentralisation, empowering the community to drive the project forward collectively. As part of the decentralisation, one of Jur's flagship products, the Jur Arbitration Platform (JAP), has undergone significant upgrades and is now ready for partnership. Utilisation of JAP is subject to the usage of $JUR tokens. Requirements will be set on an individual basis according to the needs from interested parties. This initiative aims to not only enhance its functionality but also actively engage potential users and partners, facilitating the product's introduction into the market.  Jur Arbitration Platform Overview Compliant with the UNCITRAL Model Law, the Jur Arbitration Platform was developed by legal tech professionals, offering an innovative solution in online dispute resolution (ODR). Tailored for companies of all sizes and industries, it streamlines the dispute resolution process, aiming to minimise time, costs, and administrative tasks, and enhance transparency across parties while ensuring neutrality. The Jur Arbitration Platform represents a modern and innovative approach to resolving disputes. It focuses on simplifying the often complex process of dispute resolution, by offering fully digitised procedures, streamlined operations, and a user-friendly interface that unites legal teams, parties, and arbitrators in an end-to-end platform.  https://youtu.be/69HIk_PlvuY Platform Features and Benefits: The Jur Arbitration introduces a host of features and benefits designed to streamline dispute resolution for both arbitrators and businesses: Reduce award time and fees with a completely digitised procedure: Digital rails for dispute resolution to accelerate outcomes while improving transparency. 100% paperless with support for e-signatures. Secure, video conferencing designed for dispute resolution. A unified experience to keep arbitrators and counsel organised and on track. Eliminate the hassle while enhancing fairness: Automated record-keeping helps you gain the capability of a world-class chamber without the fees. Gain confidence in digital due process and awards with a certifiable audit trail accompanying every procedure. Use custom procedures enabled through an intuitive user interface to assemble tailor-made procedures with counterparties that suit your dispute. With intelligent timetable scheduling, work smarter not harder with digital scheduling that works with Google, Outlook, and Office 365, eliminating back-and-forth emails and phone calls. Digital arbitrator appointment that is neutral, fair, and tamper-proof. Private and secure: Enhanced security to easily store any arbitration-related document and information, with a fully encrypted database located in the parties’ geographical region. Additional Add-on Services: In addition to its core features, the Jur Arbitration Platform (JAP) offers a range of add-ons to enhance the dispute resolution process:  Appeals: JAP provides an appeals mechanism for mutually agreeing parties, allowing for reconsideration by a higher-level arbitrator if necessary. This add-on offers parties an opportunity to seek further review of decisions made during arbitration. Scrutiny: JAP offers scrutiny services conducted by a neutral third party to evaluate the quality of arbitration awards based on relevant case law and precedence. This service ensures that awards are well-founded and compliant with legal standards. Arbitrator Upgrade: Before an appointment, parties have the option to request an arbitrator upgrade to a higher level than initially prescribed. This option allows parties to access arbitrators with additional expertise or experience, ensuring that disputes are handled by qualified professionals. Summary Judgement: JAP enables arbitrators to adopt interim measures through the summary judgement add-on. This feature allows arbitrators to make prompt decisions on procedural matters, enhancing the efficiency of the arbitration process. Arbitrator Appointment: The arbitrator appointment service facilitated by JAP ensures a transparent and neutral selection process, ensuring integrity and fairness in the arbitrator appointment process. How JAP Empowers Arbitrators  Arbitrators play a pivotal role in the dispute resolution process, and the Jur Arbitration Platform (JAP) is designed to empower them with the tools and resources needed to navigate disputes efficiently. Here's how JAP supports arbitrators: Seamless Application Process: JAP simplifies the application process for arbitrators, allowing them to create profiles and apply to join the platform with ease. Real-World Experience: JAP provides arbitrators with hands-on experience through live arbitration cases. By participating in actual dispute resolution proceedings, arbitrators gain valuable insights and practical experience that further enhances their expertise. Modern Arbitration Tools: JAP equips arbitrators with modern tools and technologies to streamline the arbitration process. From digital scheduling to secure video conferencing, arbitrators have access to cutting-edge solutions that enhance efficiency and effectiveness. How JAP Benefits Businesses The Jur Arbitration Platform (JAP) is not only designed to empower arbitrators but also provide significant benefits to businesses seeking efficient dispute resolution solutions. Here's how JAP benefits businesses: Fast Track: JAP offers a fast-track procedure, appointing a sole arbitrator through a tech-assisted process to ensure impartiality and transparency. This expedited process saves time and resources for businesses while ensuring a fair and efficient resolution. Expedited Resolution: Parties, lawyers, and arbitrators using JAP are guided through an efficient tech-enabled flow, resulting in time and cost-saving benefits. This streamlined process ensures that all parties are properly heard and that resolutions are reached on time. Paperless Operations: JAP provides a 100% paperless environment with support for e-signatures, streamlining document management, and reducing administrative burdens for businesses.  Tamper-Proof Appointments: JAP ensures tamper-proof and unbiased arbitrator appointments. This feature provides businesses with confidence in the integrity of the arbitration process, promoting trust and credibility in dispute resolution outcomes. Access to Modern Arbitrators: JAP offers businesses access to a roster of modern arbitrators vetted for their experience and expertise. With three pools of arbitrators assembled based on arbitration experience and prior appointments, businesses can choose arbitrators best suited to their specific dispute needs. Fixed Fee Structure: JAP operates on a fixed fee structure, providing businesses with transparency and predictability in dispute resolution costs. This ensures that businesses can budget effectively for arbitration proceedings without unexpected expenses. Are you interested in using the Jur Arbitration Platform to resolve your disputes or want to know more about the platform? Partner with us at [email protected].

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The Jur Beta Platform is now Open Source

02 Feb 2024

The Jur Beta Platform is now Open Source

We are excited to announce a significant step in online dispute resolution (ODR) as Jur's Beta Platform has transitioned into the open-source domain. This move marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of blockchain-based ODRs, particularly in addressing micro claims through smart contract-based game theory.  The release of Jur's Beta Platform as an open-source project signifies a commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration within the legal-tech community and we hope that this initiative will activate R&D efforts to push forward the creation of ODRs that address the issue of micro claims. The Jur Beta Platform Overview The Jur Beta Platform consists of two essential components: the Open Layer and an early iteration of the Jur Editor. The Open Layer, a pioneer in blockchain-based ODR, has gained recognition across academia, attracting attention from prestigious institutions participating in the Lab for New Justice program. The repository not only houses the Open Layer but also provides a glimpse into what was envisioned as the Jur Editor – a do-it-yourself smart legal agreement editor. Although the codebase has not seen recent updates, it serves as a foundation for potential advancements in the field. Jur Beta Platform - Profile Page  The platform’s existing codebase is based on Solidity-based smart contracts deployed on the VeChain Thor network, supported by a Laravel API and a React-based frontend. However, it is essential to note that the codebase requires active development efforts to align with current standards and practices. Jur Beta Platform Mechanics The Jur Beta Platform aims to address micro claims through a voting system based on game theory and economic incentives. Designed to resolve disputes involving amounts up to USD 500.00 within a short timeframe (e.g., 72 hours), the system incentivizes voters by rewarding those supporting the majority position. This is achieved through staking $JUR tokens, aligning interests with fair and informed dispute resolution. Token-Based Voting SystemThe Jur Beta Platform employs a unique token-based voting system that rewards voters based on the majority-side votes received in chronological order. The early voters are prioritised, encouraging careful assessment and discouraging last-minute decisions. Importantly, the system does not offer increased rewards for choosing unlikely propositions, ensuring a fair and unbiased voting process. Integration with Legal ContractsParties involved in contracts can opt to attach their agreements to the Jur Beta Platform, depositing the agreed-upon consideration in the escrow smart contract. In case of non-compliance, the system automates dispute resolution based on submitted propositions and voting results. This automated enforcement mechanism eliminates the need for traditional court interventions. Creating a Smart Contract The Jur Beta Platform in Action On November 7, 2019, at 7:35 PM CET, the Jur Beta Platform witnessed a historic transaction – the first sale of a vehicle on blockchain. Two private individuals, Stefan and Daniela, engaged in a $10,000 transaction in $JUR tokens through the Jur Beta Platform, utilising a smart escrow to exchange ownership of a Land Rover Defender. This transaction, compliant with Austria's law, marked the inception of the world's first DIY commercial contract creation on blockchain between private parties. This unparalleled event not only showcased the versatility of the Jur Beta Platform but also established a worldwide record for validating contracts via blockchain. The involved parties successfully navigated the platform's capabilities, highlighting its potential for hosting and resolving various contracts. For an in-depth exploration of this revolutionary transaction, you can delve into the comprehensive case study. Porting the Jur Beta Platform to the Jur Chain To encourage the development of the Open Layer, Jur extends an invitation to community members to collaborate in porting it to the new Jur Chain. The initiative is expected to garner support from the Jur Community, potentially receiving funding from the treasury. This collaborative approach aims to catalyse research and development endeavours focused on enhancing ODRs, specifically targeting micro claims. As the platform continues its development through community-driven effort, its potential to revolutionise micro-claims resolution remains an exciting prospect. If you are interested in contributing to the advancement of Online Dispute Resolution technology, join the community on Discord.

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Jur Market Report #17 – Q4 2023

10 Jan 2024

Jur Market Report #17 – Q4 2023

Jur AG (“Jur”), a responsible stakeholder and $JUR token holder, has always chosen to be transparent about token management to keep the community and contributors informed. This is the final quarterly Market Report. A summary document will be provided in the near future alongside further resources that will support the Jur Community through the decentralisation process. Jur utilized this platform since September 2019 to share news about products, partnerships, and strategies, as well as notice of $JUR token distribution, in a total of 18 market report editions. Market Reports have been published within 10 days of the end of the quarter to accommodate recent quarterly events. Q4 2023 Highlights Releases Jur Society dApp gets rebranded to NationX. Chosen by the community, NationX represents our bold and revamped approach to on-chain communities.  New exciting features have been added to the NationX dApp to enhance on-chain community experience: Founders will be able to add custom community links to their society portal so that users can discover other online experiences that the society wants to share. Founders can provide a YouTube video link which will automatically play in a modal the first time a user navigates to their society portal. Badges are a great Web3 tool that can be used to build reputation among community members and set custom benchmarks for engagement, contributions, and recognition. Members can collect their badges and display their loyalty to a society.  Analytics Dashboard for real-time graphs and customizable filters.  A Citizen Map displays members' location on a map along with other members within each society.  Activity Feed gives a unique view into the daily member activity in a society. Each on-chain action is simply stated in the Activity Feed in rich, dynamic text and, when available, includes visuals such as new passport avatars and badges. Bounties for founders to optimize workload distribution, and for members to build their on-chain reputation by contributing to tasks and earning badges. Community & Publications Jur CTO Alessio Treglia along with Vikram Bharati, founder of Draper Startup House were featured in a Cointelegraph interview to discuss "Network States" and their impact on governance. Draper Nation’s Season 1 goes live leveraging Jur Network for badges, proposals, and citizen engagement on the NationX dApp.  Events & Acknowledgements Jur announces its road to decentralisation plan bringing to reality a vision set in its foundation Private Contributors In the past quarters Jur has issued JUR Tokens as per the policy described in Jur Market Report #0. Jur did not distribute any tokens to private contributors in Q4 ‘23. Company Reserve The amount originally allocated to the company reserve hasn't been used since Jur’s inception. Given the company’s dissolution as per the decentralisation plan these funds will be flowing in the future Jur Community treasury so that the community can decide their best allocation to foster the growth of the network. Expenditure Report Jur has undertaken a few expenses over the past quarter, the most significant related to fulfilling previous agreements. All expenses (77.459.346,67 JUR) were related to the Business Development, Tech & Operations wallet.  Here is the breakdown of these transactions: 75.000.000,06 JUR first installments transferred after the expiration of the locking period in light of the strategic partnership announced here. 200 JUR test transactions were sent in the Q3 but were not included in the previous market report as they happened after the draft for the report had been finalised 2.037.897,66 JUR external consultancy on Jur Chain infrastructure and validators onboarding 372.948,95 JUR market liquidity services 47.500 JUR marketing campaign distributions 7.500 JUR were sent in the Q3 but were not included in the previous market report as they happened after the draft for the report had been finalised 1.000 JUR to support technical costs for passports migration Jur Treasury Jur announces the creation of the Jur Treasury that will be managed by the Jur Community in a decentralised fashion through OpenGov. A detailed summary of the $JUR inflow that will fund the Treasury will be provided by the end of the month and will contain details of remaining liabilities and their vesting schedule. All $JUR tokens remaining after all liabilities have been fulfilled will be sent to the Jur Treasury. Jur Wallets Jur publicly shares information about its wallets to be transparent and accountable for the established vesting period. All Jur wallets have been swapped from VeChain to Jur Chain and the table at the end of this report showcases the mapping between old and new wallets. As a reminder to all $JUR token holders, the token swap dApp will be available until the 30th Jan 2024. Please swap your tokens before this deadline. A software that processes swaps faster has been running on a daily basis to make this process smoother and it will run until the 30th Jan 2024. Tokenomics In light of the decentralisation plan announced on 21st Dec 2023 Jur has decided not to split tokens as per the new tokenomics but instead keeping the older allocation. This simplification eases accounting and reporting so that $JUR token holders do not get lost in the split of the historical wallets into several new ones on the solochain. The end result is a clear 1-to-1 mapping between VeChain wallets and Jur Chain wallets. Moreover, this decision will significantly simplify the future transfer of leftover tokens to the Jur Community treasury that will be enabled with the decentralised governance.  TypeInitial SupplyPreviousBalanceCurrent BalanceVeChain AddressJur ChainAddressIEO 10%100,000,0000Transactions IDs: 0x5f849b62ffdd2b3beea298f4e1c0dc38974b1c9aab20d00afa3dd306d02174010x73e8ff2ac4a9df0e27a5948e0f7145e687870c9522bef152f59dc4cb987456fdNAPrivate Contributors10%18,763,774.1018,763,774.100xc01b26cd4b9525ad1b67a54fad53a8bff91ae01d5CJFFHGudizjXB4dadZsjwSiLct6dqNR7msvJ3AQZWzM222TTeam, Scientific Committee and Advisors10%100,000,000100,000,0000xf346f1ab880d5b2cd0333bf69c280a732fa4a1c45H1pgRUzi5ZFGyUbvhpLuXhaRjhVgoS5XkzJnZfmgePGZ89vCompany Reserve20%200,000,000200,000,0000x5d7fe18beff1c4f16115cb8cfcd87442a89d92785DJi73cmVyqTtSBjTmUTbkwvd2wKoXrxqutbjJxRn4xiENaaBusiness. Development, Tech & Operations50%397,803,313.72320,343,967.050x747fa3858456f3978cc747ca4290111b933986d55CaD73RjhiXVFJLo2ELA6MAYdJxoPdmiWw31BtBJaR3zuaH7

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Embarking on a New Chapter: Jur Decentralises

21 Dec 2023

Embarking on a New Chapter: Jur Decentralises

Update on Jur's Decentralisation Plan Dear Jur Community,  Over the past six months, we have been on a roll. We've launched a solochain, a dApp, various use cases, token listing, onboarded communities intending to build new forms of web3 communities/startup societies with us, and brought a stellar CTO to the team. We had 53 communities and a $5B ecosystem that started to build on Jur. This journey started a long time ago; it was 2018, at the onset of a bear market, and we had to push past one of the coldest crypto winters on record. When it comes to timing we have not been very lucky, but we pushed together to explore the boundaries of new social constructs ranging from dispute resolution, trustless agreements, and lastly on-chain social coordination. Together with these challenges came major accomplishments like the first private car sale transaction powered by a smart contract and the recent launch of a big network as Draper Nation on our chain. This journey required the resilience of everyone involved from the core team, evangelists, oracles, $JUR token holders, and investors. We are faced with another challenge: current macroeconomic conditions are very hard for anyone in the crypto market, and in particular the ecosystem we are building on is undergoing some profound changes as it struggles to keep momentum and be efficient in resource allocation. Despite solid metrics on the NationX dApp, funding in the current ecosystem has been dry, with major ecosystem operators deciding to allocate capital elsewhere. This leaves us with a tough outlook due to the tech debt accumulated on Substrate and Polkadot that as you all have experienced many times is not as user-friendly as other networks (and unfortunately didn’t evolve at the pace we were expecting). Polkadot 2.0 could represent an excellent turning point but there's an unavoidable gap between now and its maturity. This implies that smaller cap projects like Jur are currently not supported by VCs of this ecosystem, while external VCs keep looking away from Polkadot-based projects as they wait for major improvements in the ecosystem to support adoption which has proven to be more than just a technical challenge. The current runway will not allow Jur to achieve token-market fit despite strong use cases such as Draper Nation, NGOs, and influencers that are interested in using the platform. We did consider repositioning (yet again) Jur on an EVM compatible environment, however, after several chats with many of you, we understood that aside from bringing further friction we would still be unable to execute this strategy successfully. Given a potential upcoming positive outlook for the overall crypto market, we are left with one important decision: accelerating the decentralisation process to empower the community to support and collectively push the project forward. We have collected various feedback from community members and this is the best way forward considering the unbearable costs of keeping up a centralised company that builds on Polkadot. Decentralising would allow community members to innovate and give new life to $JUR’s secondary market.  What does this imply? A road to decentralisation: OpenGov will be activated to enable decentralised governance of the Jur Chain runtime; The sudo key will be removed from the Jur Chain; Jur’s support of NationX and the token swap ends 30 Jan 2024; Whitelisting will be removed from the NationX dApp; any $JUR token holder will be able to create a society (with guidelines to be determined); Jur will initiate a process to activate, involve, engage, and handover to key community members the governance of the project; Following the above, on 31 Jan 2024, Jur’s core team will be dissolved, enabling each of them to work on Jur in an individual capacity and at their will. Jur AG will be shut down. This decentralisation process should allow $JUR token holders to bring value and contribute to positioning the project to seize the opportunities during the course of 2024. Further detailed communications will cover operative matters regarding the above plan and to keep all $JUR token holders informed. Are you interested in supporting and contributing to the project? Reach out on the #road-to-decentralisation channel in Discord. FAQs Why is Jur decentralising? Jur is decentralising to empower the Jur Community to collectively drive the project forward. It is essential to foster sustainability by avoiding reliance on a core company for project development, especially considering the limited availability of funding and current adverse market conditions. What are the benefits and challenges of decentralising now? This approach empowers a decentralised effort to drive the project forward, allowing various developers, stakeholders, and interested parties to collaborate and build. One challenge to consider is that the decision-making process may be slower without a core team, and the effectiveness will depend on the individuals and stakeholders who join the mission. What steps will be taken to ensure a smooth transition to community-driven governance? Jur core team will integrate on-chain governance likely based on OpenGov and related tooling (e.g. Polkassembly). This plan has been anticipated with the core of the community, and the current Jur team will be active on the community channels until the decentralisation is completed.  How can I contribute as a community member? Thanks for your interest! You are invited to participate in the official community channels mentioning the skills and expertise through which you could contribute in order to shape and manage the future direction of Jur. Will there be a roadmap provided to the community for the decentralisation of the project? Considering the limited time frame, we will have regular operational communications once each milestone is accomplished. Which will be the communication channels post decentralisation? The Jur Community will gather in the official channels, any change regarding those will be determined through decentralised governance. Account management (e.g. Jur’s official X account) will be passed over to the community once an on-chain vote regarding these will be finalised What will be the next development of the NationX dApp? NationX will be a community led project. Now that the Beta phase is close to completion, the Jur Community will take over and contribute to its success as the heart of future startup societies on the Jur Network.  Will the team continue shipping new features during the transition? Absolutely, in fact a new release will be live soon. At the same time the team is committed to completing the necessary steps to decentralise the project’s governance. How will decentralisation impact ongoing projects like Draper Nation? Every use case of NationX or potential new use case can freely determine whether they find value in the current version of the dApp and if it aligns with their objectives and needs. NationX serves as a place where new societies arise and take their first steps. Decentralisation means that the interests of those communities will be taken care of by the community in its entirety. How will decentralisation impact the Jur Chain? Jur Chain’s node source code will be open-sourced and instructions on how to run it provided. It will be in the interest of the Jur Community to keep expanding its infrastructure. How will the community ensure the growth of the Jur ecosystem after the decentralisation process? The Jur Community will be empowered with the entire treasury left after current liabilities. Through on-chain governance the community can allocate those funds to the initiative that it deems important for the success of the project. Will this affect $JUR? The Jur core team is not in a position to comment on these aspects. In the decentralisation plan envisioned great care has been taken to ensure that the $JUR has a scope for growth (e.g. transferring the entire available supply to the future Jur Community treasury) How long after the decentralisation will the token swap be available for?  The token swap dApp will remain operational until January 30th, 2024. Please make sure to swap your tokens by this date. What will happen to the $JUR tokens dedicated to the project development? The core team plans to publish a comprehensive recap along with the last market report. The project's available $JUR (i.e., ecosystem growth fund) will be securely stored in public wallets until it can be deployed in the community treasury. What steps will be taken to onboard and educate community members who may not be familiar with the technical aspects of Jur Chain? For the core aspects a documentation will be provided with link to helpful resources to become a contributor of the decentralised Jur Community If I have a support issue or question what should I do? Jur’s Discord is the current official channel where the community gathers. Feel free to join and post in the appropriate channels.

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Exploring Draper Nation’s Vision for the Future of Governance: A Cointelegraph Interview

26 Oct 2023

Exploring Draper Nation’s Vision for the Future of Governance: A Cointelegraph Interview

In a recent Cointelegraph interview, Alessio Treglia, Jur's CTO, and Vikram Bharati, founder of Draper Startup House, discuss the exciting concept of "Network States" and how they are poised to redefine traditional notions of governance and societal structures. Draper Nation, a Bitcoin-native digital nation founded by legendary Silicon Valley investor Tim Draper and powered by the Jur Network, introduces a unique model for governance and service delivery. Citizens of Draper Nation hold direct ownership and wield substantial influence within the network, enabling them to actively participate in decision-making processes and public activities.Below's an excerpt from the interview: CT: The Jur Network is integral to Draper Nation’s functionality. Could you delve into how it underpins the operations and governance of these emerging Network States?Alessio Treglia: The Jur Network is a decentralized technical infrastructure designed to facilitate on-chain decision-making processes and activities involving the general public in the day-to-day operations of digital communities. Our primary goal is to encourage more people to join these communities and engage directly in public discourse and action. In perspective, while a Facebook user interacts primarily as a consumer within the Facebook network, a Jur Network user has direct ownership and influence over the network. Draper Nation serves as our first real-world, large-scale user community — a critical proving ground where Jur Engineering turns abstract network concepts into practical, real-world applications. CT: Looking ahead, what major milestones can we expect from Draper Nation and the Jur Network in the upcoming year? Vikram Bharati: The first year of Draper Nation will be experimental as we seek to understand who truly wants to be a part of this new nation and what the citizens’ aspirations are for its future. In essence, we want to co-create this nation with the help of its citizens. We will co-write the Manifesto and then the Constitution of Draper Nation through community-driven activities. We have already held two inaugural events and have more to come with the opening of a new embassy in Hyderabad. Netizens will have access to benefits of various kinds: free accommodations for events, scholarships, and more. For a deeper dive into the interview and to learn more about how Network States and the Jur Network are shaping the future of governance, read the full article on Cointelegraph here.

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